2 Hours LIVE Online Didactic

Beginnerr's Masterclass

Essentials to Jumpstart Your Scientific & Medical Writing Career

Why Should You JOin This Masterclass

Can you relate to any of these?

You are thinking to acquire skills in scientific and medical writing. You know you need to start, but…. 

Do you feel confused to decide where to start?

Do you have self-doubts and less clarity to understand whether you will be able to become a medical or scientific writer?

Do you want to explore more to understand how the medical writing industry works, the different areas of this field and the types of jobs that exist?

You have acquired some hard skills in medical writing and learnt soft skills as well. In spite of all these…….

Do you still feel stuck as to how to proceed further?

Do you feel confused as to where to search for authentic jobs?

Do your emails and messages to recruiters remain unanswered?

Are you thinking of creating a second income stream? 

Have you answered “YES” to any or all of the above?

Join the Masterclass to Break All Barriers 

Become Confident

Brainstorming activities will help you identify the areas you need to improve all by yourself

Get Clarity

Learn how the scientific and medical writing industry actually works and what recruiters are looking for while hiring

Grow Network

Explore the secrets and tricks of networking to reach out to relevant people in the industry

Certificate of Participation

Get a certificate of participation accredited by the American Council for Training and Development (ACTD), USA

Special Discount

The masterclass participants become eligible to avail of incredible discounts for one-to-one mentorship program

Create Own Writer's Profile

Opportunity to write in a global e-magazine and establish your writer's profile

What Will You Learn

Topic Highlights


Developing Your Writing Skills
Building Your Online Presence and Portfolio
Time Management and Productivity
How to Find and Choose Jobs for Beginners

Free E-book Guide worth Rs 2000 / $25 USD for a lifetime!

Topics That Will Be Covered

Introduction to Science Writing

Identifying your interests and strengths as a writer

Best practices for creating a compelling bio and writing samples

Best practices for follow-up and communication with potential recruiters or clients

Tips for staying up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in science writing

Importance of networking

DAte & Time

May 18, 2023@7:00 pm IST

Have a Look

How Will Be The Session Conducted

The Masterclass will be conducted through a Live interactive online Zoom meeting session and the link will be sent to registered participants  through email


Identifying Your Problem

Getting introduced to each other is  a good way to start to  understand your problems and reiterating how the masterclass can solve them


Brianstorming Activities

The activities in the masterclass are designed to empower  you to self-evaluate and to help  you understand what is needs to be improved


Execution-based Approach

This masterclass is all about applications of tips, tricks and strategies that you will learn and can apply immediately to take you to the next level 


Question & Answer

All questions and queries of participants will be answered in the session along with insights and sharing of helpful resources for self-study

"I am an author, a passionate science communicator, an oral healthcare research enthusiast, geneticist and dentist by profession, academician by passion, a scientist by heart and entrepreneur by virtue" -
Dr Gargi roy Goswami
Founder & Director, KROYNAS, India & Masterclass Mentor
What Are You Waiting For...

Join the Masterclass Now!

The Masterclass is open to Indian and international participants. Click the correct button below and enrol

MAsterClass Hours

Thursday: 7:00 pm-9:00 pm IST


Email: gargiroygoswami@gmail.com

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